Map Builder

UX, design, prototype, product, software
An internal 3d software for Prysmex startup.
Project Overview
Map Builder is an internal software created for software based company PRYSMEX. This software helps the internal 3d modeling team to create workplaces in 3d, such as factories, mines, schools, hospitals, and more. Mapbuilder was designed and created to increase efficiency and reduce deadlines times. The software helps the team consolidate their designs, be uniform and create their own collections.
My Contributions
In this project, I contributed with the creation of the software itself, the logic behind it, UX, formulas, interface, wireframes, and more. Being a startup, there are many needs that can be approached in a different manner. The team needed a lot of time and resources to do their job with the old software. Map Builder was created in order to help the team do their job faster and easier. This was an enormous challenge, and an ambitious project. Never the less, the results were extraordinary.
The concept
Map Builder
Map Builder wireframe
The goal was to create a new inner software that helped the 3d modeling team achieve shorter deadlines. The models needed to be simple, georeferenced and up to date. During the concepting phase the logic was established. I determined which where the features that repeated the most with the clients and consolidated them. This helps optimize future projects. Then, I dictated what shapes where going to be used: trees, bushes, buildings, machinery, tables, fields, and more. These are common shapes that then became collections of shapes. The projects are geo-positioned. Meaning you can see yourself in real time inside the 3d workspace, with the help of the Prysmex app, and your device with GPS activated.
The idea
Map Builder
The software needed to be customizable, easy to use and achievable. This was attained by the friendly interface, the simple drag and drop, and the tab to personalize assets. A tour was added to explain how to use the software in easy steps and help train new team members.

One of my favorite projects that has been highly used by the company.
Map Builder prototype
Map Builder prototype

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